Delaware was the first state. 172 years later, Hawaii became the 50th.

This holiday weekend we will see the 50 stars on Old Glory everywhere we look. As Americans, we know that each one of those stars represents each of the fifty united states of America. From Maine to Montana, California to the Carolinas (North and South), we are “one nation” of fifty states celebrating our 247th Independence Day.

Who represents your “Fifty Stars”?

Who are the people that have helped you get to where you are today? Who are the people that have helped write your history? Who are the people who have supported and encouraged you?

Who are the people that have helped you achieve the successes you have realized so far and, dare I say, “enjoy the freedom” you enjoy today? It doesn’t necessarily have to be fifty but for many of you, it’ll actually be more than that if you really think big enough.

  • Is it your spouse or partner?
  • Your parents?
  • Your children?
  • Do you have extended family like grandparents, uncles, or aunts that have led by example or inspired you?
  • Teachers, coaches, and mentors from your youth or previous careers?
  • Co-workers and peers within the industry that make you want to #BecomeBetter, every day?
  • People beyond your sphere of influence that you admire, learn from, or aspire to emulate?

Does your flag have fifty stars…or five hundred?

Whoever you’re thinking of right now, thank them for being part of your story. Appreciate what the many “stars” each contribute to your 5-Star level of service or experience you deliver to your customers, clients, and community.

I hope you will take some time to stand up and salute them today.

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