The Masters starts this week in Augusta, Georgia. We’ve all seen it on television and heard stories about the beauty and mystical aura this event creates. I’ve watched it for the last 4+ decades and have annually entered the lottery to be selected for tickets to no avail.

I’d like to get there someday.

I challenged myself last week to eat a little healthier. I didn’t drink any beer. I didn’t eat any carbs. I drank lots of water and took longer walks than usual. I lost a few pounds but I’m nowhere near my target weight.

I’d like to get there someday.

Every day I try to be the best father, husband, son, brother, and friend I can be.

I’d like to get there someday.

A better teacher, speaker, coach, or mentor?

I’d like to get there someday.

Where is your “there” that you’re working towards?

Is it a number of closed deals? A certain volume of business? Maybe you’re a manager or team leader and have the desire to add more people this year.

Looking to build new relationships?

Be able to solve more problems with ease and certainty?

Just want to have a little more fun?

It could be a place in your career, your lifestyle, or your mind.

What will you do today to get closer to where you want to be? How can you #BecomeBetter? It might be a pretty long journey but doing something this week to get you a little closer.

That means that “someday” is almost here.