Strangers waitin’
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin’ in the night
Streetlights, people
Livin’ just to find emotion
Hidin’, somewhere in the night

When we were little, we always wanted to believe in magic. We had fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and other stories that our parents used to tell us.

Of course, there are mystical figures like the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and of course, Santa Claus.

For some strange unknown reason, as we get older we stop believing. That could be due to peer pressure, or maybe we just got a “peek behind the curtain” and realized there are no “wizards.”

Maybe we should take Journey’s greatest hit “Don’t Stop Believin” to heart.

Believe in your product. Believe in your service. Believe in your knowledge. Believe in your skills. Believe in your team. Believe in your company. Believe in your brand.

Most importantly, believe in yourself.

When you believe in yourself, it won’t take long for others to believe in you too.

Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to that feelin’

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1 thought on “Hold On to That Feeling”


Thank you Sean, I love this! Do you know the story behind Jonathan Cain writing those lyrics?

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