“We can’t all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by.”

Will Rogers

The current real estate is challenging. Fast-paced inventory is selling quickly and it doesn’t seem like there are enough good properties to satisfy the needs of all the potential buyers out there. In many markets, across many different price points, multiple offers are common which means that there will usually be more losers than winners.

Buyers who find out their offer was accepted are thrilled while those that weren’t selected could feel angry, disappointed, or sometimes defeated. Sadly, sometimes the Sellers aren’t even satisfied with their “accepted contract” because as soon as they go to work the next day or talk to their friend in a different part of the country, they think to themselves, “I wonder if I could have got more?”

I like to tell every client I work with that every seller is going to think they could have sold their house for more and every buyer is going to think they might have been able to purchase their house for less (or better timing or terms), but in the end, they should be thankful there was a “meeting of the minds.”

The best real estate deals happen when both sides agree to terms. No one feels cheated, or taken advantage of. There was clear cooperation and transparency among all sides. Honesty and integrity were on display and trust were earned. The deals might come together quickly or they may be hashed out on numerous addendums, counteroffers, or side-bar, offline conversations. In the end, though, the goal is for the Buyers and the Sellers to come to an agreement.

More than a Zero-Sum Game

Sadly, in a market like we find ourselves in now, sometimes there are some “non-winners.” In some cases, there could be a bunch of them. I just don’t think we should be referring to them as “losers.” Sure, they might have missed out on the subject property, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t out of the game entirely. It wasn’t so much a “no” they received as much as a “not yet.”

The right house is out there. Keep looking. Sometimes it’ll be clear when it shows up and other times you won’t know it’s the right one…until that moment when you realize…it’s the right one.

Change your approach. Modify your criteria. Look at some properties you might have passed over the first time you saw them but upon second look, just might be the ideal opportunity. Just don’t give up.

As Crash Davis said in the classic baseball movie Bull Durham, “Some days you win, some days you lose,…and some days it rains.”

The pitcher is ready. Grab your bat and get back in the batter’s box. You can’t worry about a few strikeouts when you’re trying to hit home runs!