Are you reading today’s Monday Morning Match over a cup of coffee? Maybe a tall glass of orange juice? Well, if you want to be truly au courant, it might be a good day to visit your local barista and order up a cup of espresso because today is National Espresso Day.

Per Wikipedia, Espresso is a coffee-making method of Italian origin, in which a small amount of nearly boiling water is forced under pressure (expressed) through finely-ground coffee beans. Espresso coffee can be made with a wide variety of coffee beans and roast levels. Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed by other methods, has a higher concentration of suspended and dissolved solids, and has crema on top (a foam with a creamy consistency)

Espresso is the base ingredient for cappuccino, lattes, and macchiato and many Americans will add a shot or two of this highly caffeinated drink into their morning coffee for an extra jolt of energy. For many, a good cup of coffee or espresso is a must in the morning and will help turn a groggy start into a great day.

Your Expression Impacts Your Impression

They say that first impressions are everything, right? So begin with a great smile. It’s amazing how a genuine smile will remind the rest of your face and body that today is going to be a great day. The lips curl up, the cheeks push out, and the eyes gleam a little bit more.

Put a little strut in your step today. Stick your chest out proudly and steel those shoulders. Look others in the eye. Talk a little less and listen a little more. Be more purposeful in your efforts and make everyone you interact with take notice.

Show up with confidence and leave a wake of energy and enthusiasm everywhere you go.

Maybe you can add in a wink, a high five, or a fist bump to show you’re ready to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun. And when things get difficult or you start to grow weary, find your local coffee shop and order another cup of espresso! It’s not just for breakfast anymore.

Be the living expression of God’s kindness;

kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.

Mother Teresa