Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

The Power of Standing Out

When someone says the word “ditty,” what do you think of? I’m guessing if you’ve ever listened to music in the last 37 years you’re thinking of a little ditty…about “Jack & Diane“?

You know them, right? Two American kids growing up in the heartland? Jack was a football star who used to take Diane out for chili dogs and other fun. When Jack tries to convince Diane to run off to the city, Diane is the one who convinces him he’s not missing a thing.

“Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone”

Somewhere in Indiana, there’s a “Small Town” named Seymour. It’s a town with less than 20,000 people located about 60 miles Southeast of Indianapolis. 68 years ago today (October 7th, 1951), a young boy named John Mellencamp was born in that same small town.

No I cannot forget where it is that I come from
I cannot forget the people who love me
Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town
And people let me be just what I want to be “

Songs Become Stories and Stories Become Songs

During Mellencamp’s time as a performer, he’s sung about “Pink Houses” and “Cherry Bombs.” He’s encouraged us to “Get a Leg Up,” Check It Out” and find a “Hand to Hold On To.” He’s sung songs about “Lonely Ol’ Nights” and “Wild Nights” yet he apparently “Ain’t Even Done with Night“?

From his memorable albums American Fool, Uh-Huh, Scarecrow, and The Lonesome Jubilee just to name a few, he’s been one of America’s most prolific singer-songwriters for the last 40 years. His songs are part of the playlist of our high school and college years and are among the most requested at piano bars and honky-tonks around the country and you’re certain to hear one of Mellencamp’s greatest hits the next time you’re out listening to Karaoke. When it comes to rock in the USA, Mellencamp literally wrote “R.O.C.K in the USA.”

What’s the Story You’re Writing? What’s the Song You’re Singing?

Every day that you wake up is another opportunity to write a new story or sing out a new song. What will you do today or this week that could become something people will remember you for years from now? You don’t need to pretend to be anything you’re not. Be genuine, authentic, and real. Make “your story” one that comes from the heart the way Mellencamp wrote about stories and songs from the heart…and the heartland.

Just don’t wait to start building relationships, solving problems and having fun because, as Mellencamp reminds us in my favorite song “Minutes to Memories“…

“Days turn to minutes
And minutes to memories
Life sweeps away the dreams
That we have planned
You are young and you are the future
So suck it up and tough it out
And be the best you can”

3 thoughts on “Oh Yeah, Life Goes On”


Great post Sean! Loved this.


An honest mans pillow is peace of mind


Looks like I will be listening to some John Cougar tomorrow 😎 Great post!

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