Hello loyal Carp’s Corner reader…

I know! I know!!! It doesn’t look right. It’s not you. It’s me!

As you might be able to tell (depending on how you normally read my blog posts) the format is kind of wonky. I tried to make some changes and…well, let’s just say, things didn’t go as planned.

For now, the site will be “under construction” or “getting a makeover” or “being flipped” or any other real estate jargon for changing from where it is now to where it will be.

I’ll try to do lots of work behind the scenes but of something comes across your server or email and it doesn’t look right, just have patience and give me the benefit of the doubt. It’ll be fixed soon.

Until then, keep building relationships, solving problems and having fun.

Photo courtesy of NeONBRAND 

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