Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

It’s never a fun experience but it needs to get done every now and then. It was time to change my cellphone service and that meant I had to go through the process of setting up a new plan for coverage for not only myself but also the other three members of the family. Making the decision to switch carriers isn’t easy because there are so many things that go into the decision; upfront costs, service plans, coverage areas, and overall customer service.

Walking out of the store with our new plan, I also had a brand new phone. As part of the process, I decided it was time to upgrade my phone to a new model and we were able to work out a pricing plan that worked for our budget.

As anyone who has ever purchased a new mobile device (which is everyone), it’s not as easy as turning on the device and going about your business. Among other things, you have to restore your device and usually, it’s not as easy as it seems. Passwords, log-in information, updating of software and the always confusing “encryption level” security checkpoints. At one point, I had to make a call to Apple Care to get some assistance to get past a stumbling block in the process. Twenty-five minutes later and a few guesses at that challenging “encrypted password, I finally was almost all set up.

I breathed a sigh of relief at making it through the process of changing phones for me and my family. Everyone’s device seemed to be up and running just fine and no one was complaining, so I finally relaxed with a cold beer and started using my slick new device. And that was when I had a cold dose of perspective hit me right in the face.

It’s the Same…But Different

I was stressed out for a few hours getting a mobile phone and associated plan set up. Imagine how insignificant that is when compared to the decisions, obstacles, questions, and overall stress our clients have when they are going through the home buying or home selling process. Changing your address and all the things that go along with that process seem to make the frustrating aspects of restoring a new phone seem simple.

The next time you are working with a client be sure to slow down, listen, and have some empathy. Your clients are not simply changing plans; they are planning for change.

Go out and build relationships, solve problems, and have fun.

Photo courtesy of Maulik Sutariya