Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

This is my 900th blog post here on Carp’s Corner. It got me thinking about what that number means. In bowling, it might mean an unbelievable series. Or what about that time skateboard legend Tony Hawk landed a 900? (That’s two and a half rotations while in the air!!!). In Roman numerals, it would be CM…and that seems fitting because…

Consistency Matters

It’s been a labor of love and a project that has allowed me to share business tips or ideas, send positive energy and examples out to my readers, and spotlight individuals or companies that are doing things that I feel are “#Blogworthy.”

As I shared a few weeks ago, my consistent approach to writing a new post at least once a week has been one of the main factors in reaching this big number. I’ve always preached that consistency, along with competence and confidence are the Three C’s to earning, building, and maintaining trust from people.

Consistency is about showing up every day. Consistency about trying to always deliver for your customers, clients, and community. Consistency means doing it the same way, over and over again, and the only reason you would ever change anything would be to make it better. Consistency is about finding a rhythm and then making it a routine. Consistency is about establishing expectations, meeting expectations and when possible, exceeding expectations.

I am a big fan of the author, speaker, and thought leader Simon Sinek. I love what he says here about why consistency towards a goal is always better than intensity towards a goal. (Click here if you don’t see the video below)

Consistency Matters

Will your customers, clients, and community see you today? Will they notice your marketing? Do they read your blog, your hand-written notes, or emails and know who you are and what you do? Can they find you on social media and if they find you, will you engage with them? How can you show up in person or at least subconsciously the next time they think about real estate? How will you make sure that when they think about real estate that they think about you?

Melting snow gushes into Lake MacDonald at Glacier National Park

In a few weeks when I head out to Northwest Montana, I’ll soak in the gorgeous mountains, breath-taking views across wide open spaces and marvel at the crystal clear rivers, streams, and creeks and will admire of their path is literally being carved by the melting snow and rain waters that consistently pass by. The sun will come up tomorrow in the East and will set in the West. In the oceans, there will be high tides and low tides. The hands of an analog clock will chase each other around the dial and never stand still for long… because, you guessed it; consistency matters.

Here’s an idea. Go build relationships, solve problems, and have fun today and then tomorrow, do it again. And then the next day, and the next day, and the next day after that.

It does seem that the wise marketing people in the shampoo industry have the key to consistency figured out, huh? It’s right there on the bottle of shampoo you look at every day.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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