“In the absence of value, price will always be a factor.”

When it comes to handling objections, remember that the best technique is to deliver a well polished presentation.

In order for it to be “well-polished” you should practice it daily. You should make every potential client feel like it was tailor-made just for them. Can you insure that you are highlighting the aspects of your services that mena the most to your clients?

When you “hit your marks” throughout, use dramatic and relevant visuals, demonstrate a deep knowledge for the market and share your passion for what you do and how that will help the clients get what they want (usually the highest net possible), you will rarely need to answer the very objections you once feared.

Ask yourself…

What is your value?

Do you believe in your brand? Your office? Your team?

Do you believe in yourself?

Learn from the Market Leaders

Mercedes has more than their hood ornament standing behind their value. People gladly pay a lot of money for smooth ride, some bells and whistles and a feeling of pride as they drive from home to work and back.

The Mayo Clinic gets people to travel across the world to Rochester, Minnesota for a chance to experience their “value” in hopes that it might save their lives (or the lives of a loved one). When the bill comes in their mailbox, they know they are paying for the “best in class” service they received and hopefully benefitted from.

Hyde Park Steakhouse in Columbus or Gibson’s in Chicago (as well as many other fine steakhouses of the world) use visuals of their cuts of meat to “show” guests what they will get with each delectable cut of steak they order (not to mention the great service and experience they will have during their meal). What are you showing your clients what ytou talk about “what you will do”?

Do you believe you are the “top shelf” agent that can help your clients “solve their problems”?

Are you ready to provide the full service your clients desire without apologizing for the cost of your value or will you lower your fee and possibly your standards at the same time?

Okay, Now What?

If you had to list your house today, would you hire you? And most importantly, would you pay yourself what you’re worth?

If the answer is “no, probably not,” that’s okay. Keep working at sharpening your saw and getting better.

If the answer is “yes, I am the best agent for the job,” that’s great, but take it from me…keep working at sharpening your saw and getting better.

Start delivering the smooth ride, the sensible treatment and the great taste that goes with truly remarkable service.