Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

 I was driving to Chicago early Saturday morning. I left home around 5:45 am for the 6-hour drive over to the National Association of Realtors Conference and Expo where I would be speaking for the first time. I was excited to get to Illinois to spend some time with some of my peers and friends from around the country that I don’t get to see very often.

I knew I was only going to be in the city for a little more than 24 hours so I was anxious to get the drive through Ohio, Indiana and a small corner of Illinois around the southwest corner of Lake Michigan up to the Windy City over with. I had the podcast playlist rolling and was focused on the road when the red and blue lights of an Indiana police officer caught my attention.

I pulled over and waited for the officer to approach. I was polite and respectful and handed him my driver’s license and registration. It turns out I was traveling over the posted speed limit. Officer Cook asked me where I was going and when I told him, he asked if I had to be there by a certain time. I was honest and said I wasn’t due in the city any specific time but was trying to beat the expected thunderstorms which were forecast to hit Chicago that afternoon.

After several minutes back in his patrol cruiser, Officer Cook approached and asked me to be more aware of my speed and then said what I was hoping to hear. “You don’t have any points on your license and you’ve been very cooperative. I’m going to let you off with a warning. Please drive carefully and have a good day.” #TravelKarma had struck again and I cautiously drove the rest of the way to my hotel in the West Loop, watching my speed and being thankful for my good luck.

As you drive along in your business, are you paying attention to everything in your command or do you sometimes lock it on cruise control and let things happen as they come?

Are you spending more time on business support activities instead of business development activities? I’ll let you off with just a warning…if you do that, there soon will be no business to support.

It might be easier and less intrusive to sit back and wait for people you know to call you but I’ll let you off with just a warning…get back to making regular touches (calls, texts, emails, etc.) with your friends, family, and sphere of influence. You never know when they just might have a real estate need pop into their head and don’t you want them to think of you when it happens?

Too busy…or too lazy to start drafting a business plan for the new year? I’ll let you off with just a warning that if you’re just going to let the business happen, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen the way you thought it would.

Looking forward to taking the next few weeks off and slide into the holidays? I’ll let you off with just a warning that the work you do between now and the holidays will become the business that will help pay for the holidays you’re getting ready to enjoy.

Trying to grow your business on random Internet leads, sign calls, floor time and others strangers happening upon your name and contact information? I’ll let you off with just a warning that this job becomes easier when you build relationships, solve problems, and have fun every single day.

Buckle up. We aren’t at our destination yet. Let’s drive carefully and have a good week.


Photo Credit: Daniel via Flickr

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1 thought on “I’ll Let You Off with Just a Warning”


Sean, I lived your story last year.
I was in a rush and got stopped for going too fast. I got a warning because like you, I did not have any points on my license 🤗

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