Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

This is blog post #750. There’s nothing specifically significant about that number other than it’s a nice round number that seems to stand out more than 723 or 766. I guess when it comes to milestones, there’s 1, 100, 250, 500, 750 and someday in a few years, #1,000. Over the last 8 years since my very first post [Do You Know Where You’re Going?] I’ve probably written more than 300,000 words and while some of the posts have been long and others have been short, I always try to share a message or idea that might inspire or educate. It’s funny how putting words in a specific order can make a big difference to both the writer and the reader.

Today I am going to keep the Monday Morning Match really simple. I’m just going to share some simple, two-word sentences that might give you the boost you need this week. If you find a few you like, maybe write the words on an index card and hang them where you can see them. Keep them nearby and see if you can start to make them a subconscious mantra. After you look through the list, share with me any others that you thought of.

Start today.

Motivate yourself.

Be nice.

Take chances.

Plan ahead.

Have swagger.

Laugh often.

Be loyal.

Earn trust.

Show compassion.

Slow down.

Be transparent.

Help others.

Quality matters.

Add bacon.

Exude pride.

Ask questions.

Return calls.

Think positive.

Dream bigger.

Shit happens.

Stay focused.

Guarantee satisfaction.

Eat well.

Happy hour.

Play fair.

Inspire someone.

Stay simple.

Save more.

Spend less.

Become better.

Finish strong.

Build relationships.

Solve problems.

Have fun.



Photo credit: Morguefile

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2 thoughts on “Two Words”


Thanks Sean


Practice Meditation.

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