2096042942_67e7af05aa_zMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

A lesson I learned a long time ago from one of my real estate mentors:

  • The goal of a sales-based business is to make money.
  • If you want to make money in real estate, you must have closings.
  • You’ll never have any closing if you don’t sell something first. That means a listing that sells or a buyer who writes an accepted contract.
  • You can’t sell anyone anything if you don’t first have a buyer or seller to work with.
  • Securing a client will only happen if you have an appointment, at which time you can demonstrate your value and secure their agreement to hire you to assist them.
  • Of course, you won’t ever get an appointment if you don’t talk to people.

So what’s the most important thing on the list? Most people say “talk to people” but that’s not the right answer. Most of you will talk to people today without problems because you are human beings. You talk to your neighbor, the school bus driver, the barista at your local coffee shop and more. The difference is you rarely talk to people with the intent of securing an appointment. 

Start focusing on securing more appointments this week by simply building relationships, solving problems and having fun.

It’s really a simple formula.




Photo Credit: Beau Maes via Flickr


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