8706082980_ddb26974a3_zIt was May 6th, 1915. A 18-year-old baseball player for the Boston Red Sox slammed his 1st career home run off pitcher Jack Warhop of the New York Yankees. He would go on to hit 714 home runs over the course of his career, most of them with those same New York Yankees. It would be 39 years until Henry “Hank” Aaron of the Atlanta Braves would eclipse Babe Ruth’s iconic record by hitting his 715th home run.

Were all of Ruth’s swings perfect? Nope. In fact he famously stated “every strike brings me closer to my next home run.”

Same Number, Different Game

It was March 4th, 2008. A 39-year-old real estate trainer penned his first blog post. 8 years, 2 months and 29 days later this post marks my 714th post to Carp’s Corner. It’s nowhere near as prolific as Seth Godin – the Babe Ruth of bloggers, or The Huffington Post or The Drudge Report, but you have to admit that 8+ years of sharing ideas, insights and hopefully some inspiration is a fine accomplishment. After this I guess the next milestone would be reaching 1,000 posts?

Have all of my posts been perfect? Probably not, but I’ll simply steal one of the Bambino’s quotes as an explanation why I keep posting here – “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.

The same can be said about business. Heck…the same could be said about life.

Swing at building relationships. Swing at solving problems. Swing at having fun. Hit just one of them and you’re good…but connect on all three and it’s a guaranteed home run!




PS Thanks for being a loyal reader. I appreciate you showing up and cheering me on.


Photo credit: Jim, the Photographer via Flickr


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2 thoughts on “I Got You, Babe”


Congratulations to the Sultan of Social Media! An impressive record to a sure first ballot Hall of Famer!


Definitely one of your BEST, and there are many “bests” to choose from Sean!! Congratulations on 8+ years & I’m sure you’ll meet your next goal/milestone..
Take Care

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