Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

How to Change the Channel When You Don’t Have the Remote

11386565276_f1e7a31413_zIf you don’t like what’s on the TV, what do you do? You simply change the channel, right? Of course, that’s fine and good “if” you have the remote in your hand but it’s not always in your control.

Pretend you’re out at a bar with friends or standing in the gate area at an airport. Maybe you’re on the treadmill in a gym? Or perhaps you’re a guest at someone else’s house. Now what? They are watching HGTV and you’d rather be watching the ball game. Jerry Springer or Judge Judy is on when CNN Headline News is breaking a big story. Or maybe they are watching sports but it’s not the game you want.

The easy answer is just “ask them to change the channel.” The worst thing is they say “no”…but maybe they say “no problem” instead. Realistically though, that isn’t always an option.

So what can you do if you’re not happy about what you’re seeing…? (NOTE: This is a bigger picture than just not wanting to watch what is on the television)

Instead of folding your arms and ignoring the speaker on stage, watch the way he or she delivers their message… or uses their visuals…or works the stage.

Instead of listening to the news story, pay attention to how the anchorman emphasizes the details.

If the radio feed you are getting is the other teams announcers, focus on the facts, not the bias commentary.

A competitor’s marketing? Find a way to hear their message and start making yours better…different…more valuable.

Don’t like the sermon? Enjoy the passion of the priest.

Disagree with the policy of the politician? Realize their commitment to the community.

Dislike the fight song of the rival? Focus on your own team’s band.

You don’t need to listen to everyone or believe in anyone. You just have to find something you can watch, hear or enjoy for the time being; then go out and make a difference when you’re ready.

And if you’re out at some public place and you can’t get things to line up the way you needed them to, simply cash out and head home. You can always control what you watch when you’re on your own couch.




Photo Credit: M10229 via Flickr

1 thought on “How to Change the Channel When You Don’t Have the Remote”


It’s actually very difficult in this active life to listen news on TV, thus I
only use world wide web for that purpose, and obtain the most up-to-date information.

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