Today is Claire Carpenter’s Birthday

My card was going to be late and that wasn’t good. My two brothers has already sent theirs and I was sure that if I was the only one who failed to get the personalized birthday wishes to Montana before Sunday, I was at risk of being erased from the will.

I raced to the store and grabbed an appropriate card for my Mom; I chose a blend of “cute” with just enough “smart-ass humor” so she knew it was from me. I then shot across town to my younger brother’s office so I could catch his FedEx driver before their early morning pick-up. This was one of those moments when it “absolutely, positively had to be there overnight.”

The good news is Mom called me today to let me know she had received the card but she really deserves more than just a card to celebrate and recognize her 79th birthday. I think it’s about time Mom gets her own blog post.

Before They’re Gone

I’ve written numerous posts about my father who passed away in 2000 at the age of 61. It’s amazing how much I realize I have learned from my Dad over these last 15+ years but the fact is, I learned those things when he was alive but I probably never realized it. It took an experience, a moment, a situation or a challenge in my personal or business life to bring the lessons to the surface. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” right?

As much as I love writing in tribute to my father, the fact is he isn’t here to read the words and memories I share about him but my Mom is. It’s easy to look for opportunities other than family funerals or those other inopportune moments when people get together to say “we should connect sometime soon for a better reason.” Then life happens and you don’t find that opportunity. Before you know it, it’s too late. It’s been said that “procrastination is the friend of failure” so let’s stop procrastinating here. It’s time to use this space to shine the spotlight on my Mom so she can enjoy reading about herself for a change.

Sean & MomTeacher, Mentor, Friend

Just like my father, Mom was a school teacher. She taught kids, Dad taught college students and now I get to work with adults. This also keeps my brothers and me honest in our grammar, both written and spoken. She’s never too reserved to correct a misplaced pronoun or dangling participle.

Just like my father, Mom loves nature. As she reads this today, she is enjoying Big Sky country at her home in Northwest Montana, just a few miles from the beauty of Glacier National Park. Whether its mountains or meadows, backyards or beaches, there’s something special about being outdoors.

Readers are leaders. Mom probably reads 4-6 books each month. Maybe more than that in some months. Whether it’s the library or Barnes & Noble or, the latest best seller or autobiography of someone in the spotlight isn’t far from her coffee table or night stand. She always reminds me that I was reading at a younger age than my two brothers and that allowed me to be an early entrant into kindergarten. While I don’t read as prolifically as she does, she always encourages me to turn off the TV and pick up a good book.

There’s nothing like a hand-written note or card to make someone’s day. I am pretty sure that Mom should have stock in Hallmark cards because she sends more greeting cards than your local Welcome Wagon. With 3 boys, 3 daughters-in-law and 7 grand-kids, she never misses a special day. Heck, she never misses a major holiday either. It’s probably why this post is so important to write. It just goes to show how a simple card arriving at just the right time lets the recipient know that someone, somewhere was thinking about them…and that can be pretty powerful.

Be kind to our furry friends. From Heidi & Paige, to Snuffy the Cat, Max & Bandit, we almost always had a pet in the house. I’m sure Mom & Dad had pets before they had kids but it’s something that has carried over to her next generation.

Charity begins at home. Mom is a great example of someone who shares with others and gives back. From local charities to national campaigns, she shows that even a small donation or volunteering of time can have a huge impact.

You gotta have faith. Mom’s an old-school Catholic much like her Mom before her and she doesn’t miss many masses. There has to be some serious obstacle or inclement weather to keep her from her weekly devotional.

When in doubt, laugh. Mom has a great sense of humor. She laughs often and enjoys being around people who like to have fun. She’s also the kind of person who will forward you the funny emails and videos or save the humorous clips from SNL on her DVR for you to watch the next time you’re over to visit.

Thanks Mom, for all the wisdom and lessons you have taught me and so many others over these 79 years. I’m glad I was able to share some of the things I have learned from you and try to do every day to make you proud. I’m sorry my card was the last to arrive but the good news is, neither of my brothers has a blog.

Have a great birthday. I love you.




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