4655351538_8bf62c3255_zMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

It’s not the first three-day weekend of the year but it’s really the first that people look forward to. It’s almost summer, schools almost out (or already is) and there are tons of things to do. Even though your weekend is almost over, here are some ingredients for a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Take the day off.

Remember the reason we call it Memorial Day.

Sleep in…or get up early and enjoy the silence.

Watch the sunrise.

Savor a freshly brewed cup of coffee or enjoy a freshly squeezed glass of juice.

Listen to the birds chirp and sing.

Play an early round of golf.

Watch a baseball game…either in person or on television.

Clean out the garage.

Vacuum & wash your car.

IMG_3540Plant flowers. (Edge, weed or mulch as needed)

Visit the cemetery and say hello to loved ones. Pay special respects to any family members who served in the military.

Did I mention play golf?

Mow the lawn…or if you really are feeling energetic, double cut it so you have stripes like an MLB ballpark.

Go for a leisurely walk, jog or run.

Take your dog for a leisurely walk, jog or run.


Apply sunblock early and often.

Make a fresh pitcher or lemonade or iced tea.

Watch the Indy 500.

IMG_3543Go boating, fishing or swimming or anything else that might involve water.

Bake something, cook something or grill something.

Enjoy a cold beer, cocktail or glass of wine.

Savor what you baked, cooked and/or grilled…

Make S’mores over the grill.

Reach out to family members who don’t live nearby, just to say hi.

You could always play golf.

Don’t work. Don’t check email. Don’t return phone calls. (That’s what Tuesday is for).

Build relationships.

Solve problems.

Have fun.

Have a Happy Memorial Day.



American flag Photo Credit: Ian Slane via Flickr

Other photos: Sean Carpenter via iPhone and filtered in Camera+



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