Welcome back to chemistry class. We’ve been researching that elements that make up the REALTOR® version of the Periodic Table of Elements. Much like hydrogen  in the actual table of elements, most of the 24 elements we’re looking at can be found in every real estate sales person but some have a dominant dosage of some while they could be lacking in others.

Click here to see Part I where we introduced the first 12 elements

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Click here to see a larger version

Logic (L) – There are two parts to every real estate transaction; logic and emotion. Which one do you think our customers or clients will have more of? That’s right – emotion; so the best sales professionals will do everything they can to balance that out with logic. The old axiom “We control the process, they control the decision” is something that every agent should live by in every dealing with the public.

Marketingneus (Mk) – There are two strains of this element; Personal Marketingneus and Property Marketingneus. They each help determine the success of the salesperson who is always looking for newer, bigger, brighter ways to gain an audience for themselves and their clients. In today’s fast-paced world, marketing comes in many forms – from print to internet, social channels to video. They each have their attributes and challenges so understanding that there is no “one trick” that wins every time is crucial.

Organizationade (Og) – A place for everything and everything in its place. Checklists and to-do lists, written business plans and goals, processes, protocols will all help contribute some semblance of sanity to a busy real estate business.

5840801003_b59859a810Patienceum (Pa) – This isn’t a “get rich quick” business. Transactions don’t come together in real-time the way do on edited television shows like House Hunters and Flip This House. On-line inquiries could take years of incubation until they final are ready to move ahead with a purchase or sale. Understanding that real estate is first and foremost a “relationship business” just stay content on building and maintaining relationships. If you keep building a bridge to your customers, they will cross it when they are ready.

Passionine (Ps) – Much like Enthusiasmum discussed earlier, the element that excretes passion from a sales person can be quite contagious to co-workers and clients alike.

Questionite (Q) – The best sales people are the best question-askers. They are always inquiring of their customers and clients so they can identify needs, gain control, establish expectations and build rapport. When a sales person asks questions, it usually results in their customers doing more of the talking – the perfect situation in any sales environment.

Relaxol (Rx) – It’s been said that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Turning off technology every now and then, taking time off and not worrying about the things you cannot control are critical components of a successful sales person.

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.

– Chinese proverb

Self Esteemium (Se) – We want people to like us. We are empowered when people trust us. We work hard to get people to call us, interview us and hopefully choose us to represent them in their real estate transaction.  We love to win. We also need to remind ourselves that when we hear the words “no,” “no thank you,” “it’s not for me,” they aren’t saying that to you. They are just saying “no” to the opportunity, service or product. It’s not you, it’s them. Stay strong and be the first person to believe in yourself. Once you do, others will follow.

Servicite (Sc) – The foundation of great sales is truly remarkable service. Does each customer or client who works with you feel that you delivered an amazing experience?

Socialese (So) – There aren’t many sales jobs in the world where you don;t have to have some level of personal contact. Technology has driven this relationship to the digital platforms like Amazon.com and iTunes and while the customer might not be interacting with another human being, there usually was some impetus for the transaction in the first place. How can you make sure that you are leveraging every opportunity – in person, on-line, via social media or word-of-mouth – to get belly to belly, face-to-face or at least ear-to-ear with someone who might have a need or know someone who does?

Systemium (Sy) – If there is anything in your job that requires yo to do it more than once, it demands a system. He who figures out the systems fastest will not only be more efficient in their job, they can be more effective.

2289615538_bb32d6efd1Uniquiem (Uq) – Why would someone choose you? If you’re a REALTOR® and a member of the National Association of Realtors, you’re one of 1.1 million people who have that in common. The general public looks at the real estate industry and probably things all real estate agents do the same thing. Every golf course is different but if after playing a round of golf all visitors can tell you is there was 18 holes then it wasn’t unique enough to be memorable. How will your clients remember you the day after your transaction? What about a year after the transaction? What is the story that will be told about what you do differently?

I’m sure there are more elements that can be found in a successful real estate sales professional. There are probably hybrids of each of these elements that some people built on while others have lying dormant in their business.

Which one is your hydrogen? Which of the 24 elements mentioned in the last two posts do you feel allows you to do what you do in the way you do it? Is there any element I might have left out? What would it be and what would you name it? Who knows, maybe it will be named after you?

I was never very good in chemistry but I know one thing, building relationships, solving problems and having fun is a great formula for success.




Turtle image: RonWalf via Flickr

Leaf image: JohnGoode via Flickr

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