Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

It is the heart of autumn. You have a lawn full of freshly fallen leaves. You’ve got a couple of options…

Option 1: You could rake the leaves.

Option 2: You could push a sweeper to collect the leaves.

Option 3: You could use your lawnmower and bag the leaves.

Option 4: You could use a blower to remove the leaves.

Option 5: You could pay a neighborhood kid to take care of the leaves.

Option 6: You could sit back and do nothing, waiting for the wind to blow the leaves into your neighbor’s lawn.

4027290616_419993ee0c_zIf you choose options 1 through 5 you’ll have a lawn that will be free of leaves. It will just cost you some time, effort and possibly a small investment.

The last option relies on something that is completely out of your control and still doesn’t guarantee your lawn will be free of leaves.  Oh sure, the wind may blow, but if it doesn’t blow from the right direction, all of the leaves from your neighbor’s lawn could just as easily end up in your yard.

When it comes to your business development, you could wait for the wind to blow the right way or you could take matters into your own hands.

Quit waiting. Grab the rake.



Photo Credit: Don LeVange

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