Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

How big is 500?

Have you ever sat and watched the entire Indianapolis 500? Those cars go 200 laps around the 2.5 mile track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Of course, those cars are going approximately 140 to 160 miles per hour. If you just jumped in your car today and drove 500 miles in one direction, where would you go and how long would it take you to get there?

Only 25 players in the history of Major League Baseball have ever hit 500 home runs in their career.

Could you do 500 push ups or sit ups in one day? I’ll bet you could do it but you would need to be committed and you might need to take occasional breaks to rest muscles.

A little boy named Bartholomew Cubbins had 500 hats

If you’re one of the 500 largest corporations (in gross revenue), you might be recognized in the Fortune 500.

Some people read 500 pages in a day while others might not read 500 pages each year. According to Pew Research, the median number of books read in America was 6. How many have you read this year?

Spending $500 dollars can be done by most people in a matter of minutes. It’s even easier if you’re using a credit card instead of peeling $20’s from a wad of cash.

What If You Gave 100% towards 500?

Imagine what might happen to your business if you made 500 personal contacts with your sphere of influence? It seems like a lot until you figure if you have a SOI of 200 people, that’s just 2.5 contacts per year. Statistically you should be making a minimum of 4 “contacts” along with 10-12 “touches” each year to maximize your referral opportunities and remain “top of mind.”

What if you touched For Sale By Owners 500 times a year? Imagine you meet 2 new FSBO’s each week for 50 weeks and follow-up with them each 5 times until they either list with you (or someone else) or sell? How much business could you get for those 500 touches?

How many business cards do you pass out each day? 500 in a year is just 1.37 cards each day.

What if you added 500 friends on Facebook or picked up 500 followers on Twitter or Instagram?

This is #500

The reason I focus on 500 is this is actually my 500th blog post. I’m not sure if anyone has read all 500 (except for me) but I know some people have read almost all of them. Back when I started this blog (originally titled The Realtor’s Toolbox) I never really knew where it might lead. Carp’s Corner now has 1000+ subscribers and more who read it via organic or social search, it’s been tons of fun.

Thanks for being a loyal reader and sharing it with your friends.

I look at it as another way to build relationships, solve problems and have fun.


PS This post is exactly 500 words long




Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons


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10 thoughts on “The 500 Club”


Well done, Sean! Congratulations. As you know, I just tuned in, but I look forward to reading the 480 I haven’t yet read–and the next 500! Happy anniversary!


    Thanks Marjorie. I welcome you as a new reader. I’m contemplating taking the “best of the best” among my first 500 and coming up with a book. Would you buy it?

    I appreciate your comments.


WOW! Great milestone event, Sean! Very cool that you honored it with 500 words! Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts. Looking forward to the next 500! XO Michelle


    Good morning Michelle. Thanks for the congratulations. Makingit exactly 500 words just seemed like the right thing to do. 🙂


What a feat….that’s incredible. Thanks for the motivating words!


    Amy – You are awesome. Thanks for your continued support and hard work to represent our company and industry


Congratulations on 500. As always great job and always motivating 🙂


    Denise – you know I luv ya! I hope you’re having a great year and ready to finish 2013 strong.


Congratulations Sean! Thanks for impacting my life in such a positive way over these last few years!


    Thanks for the comment Rosemary. I’m glad I was able to be a small part of your awesomeness! Keep up the great work

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