Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. “~W. Clement Stone

Isn’t it a miserable feeling when you’re scared to do something? It might be in your work or in your relationship. It could be a simple task at home dealing with electricity or climbing a tall ladder to clean out the gutters or it could be something truly life-changing, like asking for a raise or asking someone out on a date.

This morning we’ll kick off a new session of the Pro Start Academy in our Central Ohio and Greater Cincinnati companies and it will be filled with Realtors mostly new to the real estate industry. I’m sure there will be some uneasiness and even fear about this new career they are getting in to. Will they be able to generate leads? Can they earn the trust of their friends and families to refer them business? How long will it take them to know what to say and do?

We’ll also have a few experienced agents attending as well. Agents who have had success in the past but feel it might be the right time for a “sharpening of the saw” or getting “back to the basics.”

My guess is they will have some feelings of fear as well.

Being a Realtor isn’t easy. Being in any kind of sales is a challenge but certainly, when you are in a commission-based business, there isn’t much room for error. Sometimes knowing up front how difficult it is makes it that much better when you achieve success.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is  more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon

Make no mistake about it. There is going to be some rejection. You’ll likely fail more times than you succeed, but tell me a career where that’s not true? Especially at the highest of levels. Major league baseball players are almost a lock for the Hall of Fame at the end of their careers if they can find a way to hit a baseball safely 35 times out of 100. That’s 65 times they didn’t succeed!

And remember, doctors might even have it easier than salespeople. They get to practice on dead people. If they mess up, the person was already dead. Most of our “practice” is on real live people.

Sales is really nothing to be scared of. It’s not about the widgets, it’s about the people and finding ways to satisfy their needs.

“To fight a bull when you are not scared is nothing.

And to not fight a bull when you are scared is nothing.

But to fight a bull when you are scared is something.”

– Unknown

5 Bullfight Painting Corrida Toro 2010There’s nothing to be afraid of this week…or the next week…or the week after that.

Just build relationships, solve problems and have fun.

What’s so scary about that?




Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons

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1 thought on “Battling the Bull”



you are right on! Walt Disney also once mentioned that “Courage is the main quality of leadership.” Leaders consistently struggle with this idea of courage.

Your realtors need to remember that their clients (including me) want them to be courageous. Take those calculated risks, as great rewards may follow.

Great post.


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