Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Do you have a junk drawer?

Maybe it’s in your kitchen or perhaps in your home office?

You know that spot where anything that doesn’t have a specific place usually gets stuck. It has pens and pencils, phone chargers, local restaurant menus, receipts and hundreds of other items that you probably wouldn’t miss if you emptied the entire drawer into the trash today.

Yet we often find time to clean out our junk drawer every now and then, don’t we? Sure, we do end up parting with some items – mainly because we have no idea what it even is or where it came from. Or we’ll end up moving some of the items to other parts of our house. We put a pile on the stairs for someone to take up with them as they pass. We grab a handful of “stuff” that would be better dumped in or on the tool bench. Of course there is the pile we feel should be on the kitchen counter with a “you need to do something with this now” thought behind it.

Have you cleaned out your junk drawer recently?

Junk DrawerAnd what do you have to show for your efforts? Go take a peek at your junk drawer right now.

Go ahead…I’ll wait.

When it comes to your business, what’s in your junk drawer?

How many things do you have distracting you from what you should be doing?

Is your junk drawer filled with electronics and all of their flashing lights and beeps and pings?

Do you really think you’ll ever get to that pile of emails you’ve been saving to read “when you have time?”

Speaking of email, how many of those attachments like offers, counter-offers, addendums and email communication do you need cluttering up your email folders? Could you move them to a flash drive or cloud storage space to free up some space on your server?

Is your junk drawer filled with over-priced, under-commissioned listings that are keeping you from the right clients or are you spending too much time with “lookers” instead of “buyers”?

Are the mismatched items and loose papers getting in the way of your follow-up efforts with past clients?

If you have junk…or whatever you call it, keeping you from building relationships, solving problems or having fun, it’s time to clean it up.

Go ahead…I’ll wait.



Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons


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