Burning-Match -derek-GaveyMonday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

For some people, January 1 is the start of the new year. A chance to hit the ground running and start doing all those things you know you should be doing in order to succeed.

For others, today might be that day. Your holiday is over, the kids head back to school this morning and it’s really the start of the first full week of the year.

Today when your alarm clock sounded, you really had to get out of bed.

Pack the kids lunch and kiss them goodbye on their way out the door to school.

The exercise plan you planned as you were enjoying the holiday treats must begin today.

The “five calls a day” will happen today. You will take the time to send a hand-written note to someone. Building your listing inventory can’t wait.

Now is the time.

Go out and enjoy. Kick the year off right.

Build relationships. Solve problems. Have fun.

That is, unless you’re an Alabama or Notre Dame fan. Win or lose, your new year can begin tomorrow morning (or when you get back from Miami). You’ll be too distracted all day today.



Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons

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2 thoughts on “Okay. Now It Really Counts”


Steve O is excited to head out to Ohio this week. It’s going to be a great week. 🙂

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