Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

I spent Sunday morning with my family on the near East side of Columbus. We got up early so we could get a parking space and get in place to cheer on the runners and walkers in the 33rd edition of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon. I knew several people who were competing including my sister-in-law, who was running her first half marathon so we decided to go out and offer support and energy to everyone running.

When you think about it, Realtors and those running have a lot in common.

They have signed up for something that takes a lot of determination to complete.

The more you focus on and believe in your training efforts, the greater chance you’ll have to achieve success.

It’s a big task if you look at the big picture so it’s easier if you break it down into smaller chunks.

It’s much easier to find your way if you follow a specific course that has been planned in advance.

Be prepared for any weather or external conditions. If you have a chance to practice in every possible condition you may face on race day, you’ll be more prepared to deal with it.

The race begins with many people at the starting line but, after the excitement of the start wears off, the crowd thins out a little and you have some room to find your pace.

If you are unsure of how well you’ll do at staying focused, you can join is with some larger (pace) groups that will help you avoid starting too fast or slowing down too much. 

Run your own race. Don’t worry about people who run faster than you. It’s more fun if you consider the course your competition instead of the other runners.

Comfortable shoes are always a good idea.

Everyone can use a little moral support, cheers or high fives to find a fresh burst of energy.

While how you start is important, everyone will remember how you finish, so finish strong.

Leave a little energy in the tank for the final push. You’ll be glad you did when you find that “next level” effort and start passing people towards the end of the race.

When you cross the finish line, be proud of yourself that you get it everything you had. 

After your “run”, relax and enjoy the celebration. Put your feet up and be sure to hydrate with the beverage of your choice.


Take a few days off before you decide what you’re going to tackle next. But whatever you decide…know that someone will be out there ready to give you some positive energy. (Click here if you don’t see the video below


I hope you’ll lace up your shoes this week and get out there and do what you can to finish strong. Who knows…you just might be able to build relationships, solve problems and have fun while you’re running.



Photo Credit: Derek Gavey via Creative Commons

Photo Credit: SeanCarp via Instagram

Photo Credit: SeanCarp via Instagram